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Winter 2020 newsletter

Winter 2020 newsletter

Passage of SECURE Act expected by year-end Estate planners have been watching Congress closely, waiting to see what will happen with the Setting Every CommunityUp for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. Th e legislation, designed to boost Americans’ retirement...
Fall 2019 Newsletter

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Reopening presents traps for employers The coronavirus pandemic has created an unpredictable landscape for employers. As of right now, states are in various stages of their phased reopening plans and many employers have either brought employees back to the physical...
Summer 2019 Newsletter

Summer 2019 Newsletter

Use caution when creating an IRA inheritance trust When you hold an IRA, those funds can be distributed to the person you name as beneficiary or to an inheritance trust. Some IRA owners choose a trust because it gives them a degree of control over how the assets are...
Tax reform will have big impact on divorce

Tax reform will have big impact on divorce

The new tax law passed by Congress late last year and signed into law by President Donald Trump does a lot of things. For example, if you’re fortunate enough to leave behind a huge estate, your heirs will now get the first $10 million tax free. In addition, the...